
I am a specialist in hand surgery since 2011 and work part-time at the Hand Surgery Clinic at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. In addition to my clinical work, I have responsibility for the hand surgical training for the medical students at Sahlgrenska.

I have deepened my knowledge in hand surgery at the Clinic for Hand and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital in Singapore, focusing on the wrist and microsurgery. Before my focus in hand surgery, I worked 4 years as an Orthopaedic surgeon at Sahlgrenska.

I also have a specialist qualification in psychiatry. My focus has been acute inpatient psychiatry with psychosis and addiction care where I also served 1.5 years at the forensic psychiatric unit in Gothenburg. I have extensive experience working as a psychiatric on call as I worked at the psychiatric ER alongside my service in Orthophaedics and Hand surgery. I currently work part time in the outpatient psychiatry with affective disorders.


2011 Specialist in Hand surgery
2007 Specialist in Psychiatry
2006 Exam in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT
2000 Licensed Physician
1999 Medical Degree, University of Gothenburg


2015- Hand Surgeon, part-time employment, Art Clinic and Capio Lundby
2011- Specialist in Hand Surgery, Hand Surgery Clinic, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg
2009-11 Resident physician in Hand surgery, Hand Surgery Clinic, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg
2005-09 Resident physician Orthopaedics, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg
2001-04, General medicin and Resident physician in Psychiatry (part time also in 2006-07 and thereafter)
1999-00 Internship, Varberg Hospital


Swedish Hand Surgery Association
Gothenburg medical associations


2015 Arthroscopic wrist surgery, EWAS, Strasbourg
2015 Flap surgery on the hand and arm, University Hospital of Zurich
2012-13, Fellowship/Clinical Observer, Department of Hand & Reconstructive Microsurgery at the National University Hospital, Singapore (6 months).
2012 Flap surgery on the hand and arm, General Hospital, Singapore
2011-13 BSSH, British Society for Surgery of the Hand, Manchester, 6 courses
2011 Micro Surgery, National University Hospital, Singapore
2011 Hand and arm dissections, Department of Anatomy, Copenhagen
2011 AO, Hand and Wrist Surgery Davos
2009 Microsurgery, Northwick Park, London
2009 AO Trauma, fractures, Stockholm
2006 Emergency care / ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support), University Hospital, Linkoping
2005-2006 Cognitive behavioural therapy, 3 semesters
2005 Emergency Medicine, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm
2004 ST LIV, Leadership in Healthcare, Gothenburg